

SO YOUNG 2: NEVER GONE (2016) chinese movie

  • Movie: So Young 2: Never Gone
  • Director: Zhou Tuo Ru
  • Writer: Zhou Tuo Ru, Xin Yi Wu
  • Release Date:
  • Runtime: 98 min.
  • Genre: Romantic drama film

Su Yunjin (Liu Yifei) and Cheng Zheng (Kris Wu) meet in high school. Su Yunjin is a transfer student from a struggling family, while rich heir Cheng Zheng is the popular star student. Cheng Zheng falls in love with Su Yunjin and pursues her through college, even when they study and live in different cities. Su Yunjin is worried about the difference in their economic status, though this doesn’t worry Cheng Zheng. She decides to give it a chance and the two move in together after graduation. Two years pass in bliss; however, the issue of money drives a wedge between them, as Su Yunjin refuses to take Cheng Zheng’s financial help for her mother’s operation, and Cheng Zheng is angered when she goes instead to her ex for help. The two break up, and Cheng Zheng moves to America to help with his family’s company.
After some time passes, Su Yunjin realizes she truly loves Cheng Zheng and for the first time, she is the one to seek out Cheng Zheng rather than the other way around.

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Traducerea si adaptarea in limba romana – Florry82
Hardsub – Lummy

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