

EUNGYO – A MUSE (2012) korean movie

  • Movie: Eungyo – A muse
  • Revised romanization: Eun Gyo
  • Director: Jung Ji-Woo
  • Writer: Park Bum-Shin (novel), Jung Ji-Woo
  • Release Date: April 25, 2012
  • Runtime: 129 min.
  • Genre: Drama / Elderly / Award Winning
  • Country: South Korea

Lee Juk Yo (Park Hae-Il) is a highly respected national poet in his 70s. His thirtysomething assistant Seo Ji Woo (Kim Moo-Yul) has recently published his first book, described as a genre novel with psychological insight, and it has shot to the top of the bestseller lists. Only later will it be clear how great his debt is to the poet laureate. On finding a young high school girl, Eun Gyo (Kim Go-Eun), asleep on a chair onhis porch, Juk Yo is instantly enamored and rather than chastising her for breaking into his property, he subsequently agrees to give her a part-time job cleaning his home. As Jeok Yo spends more time in Eun Gyo’s company, long-lost feelings are awakened within him, and her exuberance, lust for life, sense of fun and genuine warmth towards him quickly strip the years away in his mind.

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Traducerea si adaptarea in limba romana – Florry82
Hardsub – Lummy

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